Training your staff has never been easier

We are proud to offer over 400 courses on our platform. Meet the educational requirements for your staff based on their job duties, your products, location and accrediting body.

Unique Log In

Users receive their own username and password to access their training.


Based on the employee's job you are able to assign applicable courses to them for completion. Our library includes of 400 courses specific to job duties, equipment and federal mandates.

CE Courses

Users with ABC, BOC or RESNA license can complete our CE courses for credit at no additional cost. We report to the licensing body on their behalf and completions appear on their transcript.

Multi-device support

All pages inside dmetrain are optimized for mobile, tablet and desktop. It doesn't matter what device you're using.

Automated Reporting

All dmetrain course attempts and completions are well-documented and reports are automatically sent to managers.

Patient Education Sheets

Professionally translated into seven different languages. These documents are downloadable on our platform to include with your product in your patient's preferred language.


Expanding our features for 2022

dmetrain hosts hundreds of useful material easily downloadable to further customize or print out for staff or clients


With mobile, tablet & desktop support it doesn't matter what device you're using. dmetrain is responsive in all browsers.


We know that employees wear mulitple hats in this industry and we have made it easy to combine course assignments so your staff if educated in all facets of their job description and the equipment you provide.

Quick support

We are happy to assist you and your employees whenever there is a need. We have regular office hours and are also available via online chat for support.


Quickly run and print reports on your staff's completed courses, what is still needed and much more.

Course Content

All 400+ courses on dmetrain have been expertly written, reviewed for accuracy and are continuously updated to align with industry standards.

More features coming soon!

We have worked really hard to roll out this new version of dmetrain and we are already looking at what more we can add to the platform to help you and your staff.

dmetrain features
all inclusive pricing

  • Automatic Course Assignment
  • Instant grading and insight on employee weaknesses
  • Complete Employee Competency Program
  • Courses with Free BOC Continuing Education
  • Courses with Free ABC Continuing Education
  • Courses with Free RESNA Continuing Education
  • Automatic Reporting and Analysis
  • Inservice Education Tracking
  • Compliance with Accreditation Standards (ABC, ACHC, BOC, HQAA, CHAP, Compliance Team, The Joint Commission)