dme training from DMETRAIN

Compliance Solutions

Stay compliant - stay accredited - stay in business.

It's not just HIPAA Compliance and OSHA Compliance that impact your business.

Organizations are rarely aware of the number of organizations that affect and regulate the home medical, home health, and pharmacy industries. At the federal level, organizations are impacted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Food and Drug Administration, the Equal Employment Opportunity Administration, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Labor, the Office of Civil Responsibility, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Your compliance training program should meet the requirements of all these organizations.

In addition to federal regulations, many states are enacting laws that are setting guidelines for being in the home care business. State laws are usually enacted to further define and expand upon federal laws. State laws are always more restrictive and expansive then federal laws.

DMETRAIN monitors federal and state organizations that impact medical equipment companies. Courses on DMETRAIN are generated dynamically, they adjust instantly to the user. DMETRAIN is the only employee training system that customizes courses for each employee. Our courses are adjusted to keep your company in compliance with all federal, state, and accrediting laws and regulations.

The home care industry is under scrutiny by legislative bodies seeking to reduce costs, and limit fraud and abuse. The number of regulations and restrictions will increase. DMETRAIN monitors all the agencies affecting the industry and adjusts courses and curricula to keep employees provided with timely and relevant information. Compliance is not an option. Compliance must be maintained and DMETRAIN is the only employee training system to offer tailored content to keep each organization compliant.

Over 40,000 durable and home medical equipment professionals rely on DMETRAIN for the latest information, why don't you?

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Our Customers Rave:
"DMETRAIN has saved us a lot of time, and a lot of effort, and money in allowing us to meet Joint Commision requirements and move forward as an organization."

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Did You Know?
DMETRAIN makes compliance reporting a snap. Read more >
DMETRAIN grades tests instantly and for no extra charge. Read more >