Every course on dmetrain is included with your subscription


Annual Courses

Meet your annual training requirements online

Regulatory agencies and accrediting bodies require proof of training on specific topics for your employees on an annual basis. Topics can include

  • HIPAA training
  • Bloodborne Pathogens and Infection Control
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Business Ethics and Fraud Prevention
  • OSHA Safety

and more depending on your company's products and accreditation status. dmetrain provides a central location for your employees to receive and record all of their required education. Annual courses appear on your employee's homepage when logging into dmetrain - automatically.

Job Specific Courses

Content relevant to each employee's job duties.

When you add your employees to dmetrain, you will be asked to assign them a job description. From there, dmetrain will automatically assign courses relevant to their duties. We also realize that your employees may wear multiple hats; you will also have the option to create your own job descriptions and assign courses that you deem relevant.

Job Training
Safety Courses

Safety Courses

OSHA Safety topics covered each month

In an effort to help you meet OSHA's training standards, dmetrain has implemented a monthly safety training schedule that provides a new course each month.

Users will see the following courses appear on their homepage each month:

  • January - SDS - Safety Data Sheets
  • February - Computer Monitor Safe Practices
  • March - Controlling Electrical Safety
  • April - Eye & Face Protection
  • May - Respiratory Protection
  • June - Hearing Protection
  • July - Hand & Arm Safety
  • August - Foot Protection
  • September - Compressed Cylinder Safety
  • October - Office Ergonomics
  • November - Back Safety
  • December - Year in Review

Continuing Education Courses

Content relevant to each employee's job duties.

Over 100 hours of CE credit - available for everyone and helps employees meet their licensure requirements. Courses are approved through:

  • ABC - The American Board for Certification in Orthotics Prosthetics & Pedorthics
  • BOC - The Board of Certification
  • RESNA - The Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America

CE course completions are automatically reported on a scheduled basis. Staff that may benefit from these CE credit courses include:

  • ATPs
  • O&P Fitters
  • Respiratory Therapists

CE Credit Courses

Would you like the peace of mind in knowing that when an employee completes a course critical information was actually learned?

dmetrain's innovative testing methods foster learning in a number of ways. All tests on dmetrain are randomly generated from a pool of questions. This prevents anyone from sharing the answer key to a test, as every test on dmetrain is unique. Also, critical questions from each course are retested during built-in competency and certification exams. Not only do we teach critical information, we re-test on that information to make sure your employees are retaining it. After each test, we review with your employees any answers that were incorrect. Letting someone know why they were wrong on a particular question provides an excellent opportunity for additional education.

How are you ensuring that your employees are retaining critical information?

Annual competency exams help ensure your employees are retaining critical information. Employees are tested on all of the courses that they have completed on dmetrain. Any areas that they show weaknesses in are reported on, and the employees are directed to the correct courses for review.

How are you testing potential employees?

dmetrain allows you to test employees before you hire them. With built in pre-hire screening tools, you can test the knowledge of potential hires before they are extended an offer. Pre-hire screens are a free service to dmetrain customers.

dmetrain is the only available solution that provides for completely random testing, pre-hire examinations, and annual competency testing that exceeds all accrediting body requirements at no additional charge.

Our system will not charge you for individual test grading or make you wait for the results.

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