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"DMETRAIN's Employee Competency Program not only simplifies a burdensome task, but it also exceeds all of our accreditation requirements."

-- Deborah Mendelson, President Professional Medical Supply

Did You Know?
> Our Employee Competency Program covers both aspects of employee competence: observation and documentation.

> We tailor each competency examination and skills inventory checklist to the tasks your employees should be competent in.

Employee Competency Program - navigating the maze.

A competency program forces an organization to examine the areas of strength and weakness within an employee. Staff that goes through this evaluation will ultimately be better trained when weaknesses are discovered and corrected. The evaluation will also lead to gains in efficiency, and job satisfaction with the skills gaps addressed. A continual education and competency program sends a clear message to employees that you have an active interest in their well-being and success.

A competent staff will provide higher quality care to patients, which ultimately will result in higher patient satisfaction, and less legal liability due to fewer adverse incidents. If adverse incidents do occur, you will have documentation to support your claim that your organization was not negligent by proactively addressing employee areas of weakness.

An Employee Competency Program must include assessments that address the performance of tasks that an employee is required to perform. DMETRAIN automatically customizes a skills inventory checklist, including equipment-related tasks, that an employee needs to be observed completing. Let DMETRAIN take the effort out of compiling your skills inventory checklists.

The second component, and most frequently overlooked, is documenting the knowledge that goes along with the performance of job-related tasks. DMETRAIN provides a unique competency examination for each employee. Each examination tests the knowledge of an employee related to the specific job tasks they are required to perform.

For more information or a free demo, call toll free

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